
القذافي الصغير و التمثيلية الكبيرة

انتقد سيف الإسلام القذافي نجل الزعيم الليبي معمر القذافي مساء الاحد 20-8-2006 طريقة ادارة السياسة الداخلية في بلاده، متهما من أسماهم " القطط السمان والتكنوقراط" بالتصرف وفق أهوائهم وبدون مراعاة ظروف الليبيين. وأكد أن حرية الصحافة في ليبيا "معدومة ولا توجد فيها صحافة أصلا"، مشيرا إلى أن "الصحافة في ليبيا لا تعني شيئا عندما يسيطر عليها ويكتب فيها عدد محدود من الأشخاص". وتساءل هل توجد سلطة شعبية فعلا في ليبيا، معتبرا "أن النظام الديمقراطي الذي نحلم به نحن في ليبيا غير موجود وتم الالتفاف عليه وحتى باعتراف مسؤولي مؤتمر الشعب العام (البرلمان)". وقال "نحن نضحك على أنفسنا عندما نقول أن ليبيا هي النعيم الأرضي أو الفردوس"، متسائلا "أي فردوس ونحن لا توجد عندنا بنية تحتية".
المصدر: العربية نت

طبعا واحد يسألني إزاي بيهاجم النظام الرسمي بتاع أبوه. واضح إنها تمثيلية منتشرة اليومين دول في الدول العربية من أجل زيادة شعبية أبناء الحكام في الدول الساعية إلى توريث الحكم عندها أو من سماهم سعد الدين إبراهيم بالملكية الجمهورية زي سوريا و ليبيا. طبعا التمثيلية موجودة في الدول الملكية ملكية برضه مافيش مانع منها يعني.

هناك 10 تعليقات:

غير معرف يقول...

@Tarek am going to use to lines of argument to answer to your points about sadam hussien.

One of the biigest mistakes in the Arabic history is wasting the oil... Oil is Energy and Energy means industrlisation, power and development. The Arabs wasted their oil money in buying aeroplanes and prostituting in London and Paris, as well as turning their countries into service based economies for intercontinental trade. In the mean time our oil that is being exported to the west creates their fortune, power and weapons that are keeping us underneath.

Kuwait made use of the economic difficulties iraq was going through due to to its ambitious industrlisation and HI Tec military complexes projects.And pumped more tha its share to bring the oil prices down. their pimp sheikhs was asking the Americans to do somethin about the pan Arab Sadam. Iraq asked Egypt and syria to join him and sieze the Arabic oil, to tilt the international strategic balance in favour ogf the Arabs. Unfortunately, both countries didnt sieze the chance, due to lack of vision and cowardice. By the way, Egypt had a very potent military industries and the sixties after the 1973 war we asked the oil states for big money in order to create a strong military industrial base for all the Arabs. they hesitated and eventually backed out of the Arab industrliation organistion on the execuse of making a peace treaty with israel.

About the Kurds. During the that time militant kurds took refugee in the mountains and braught in dirty iranian commandos into the iraqi soil. Now to make the point clear, i will make use of a hypothetical scenario. in 1973 thee nubians rebel and ask for an independent state. Moreover, they collaborate with israelians and facilitate the infiltration of israeli commandoas behind the Egyptian lines!!!!!! . Another scenario is a war between the us and mexico and American mexicans collaborating with the mexicans.

Also remeeber Tarek what happened to the japanese Americans during world war 2 despite of their sworn loyality to the us flag. German Americans during world war 1.

About the mass graves. Politics in the fertile crescent is cruel. that how it is carried out. We have lawys had the same sort of dictators in Egypt . However, due to the peaceful non violent nature of the Egyptians, our Dicatotrs never had to resort to those measures.

remeber Tarek that it took Europe 5oo hundred years to transform into modern, balanced rational societies. it happened after colonising the orient, weakening the danger of the Ottomanian Empire, and undergoing succesive scientific industrial and social revolutions that changed the structure of their society.

About what iraq did to the Arabs.

In 1973 according to SAAD EL- SHAZLY, Saddam sent two fighter air craft sqaudron to the canal front. that was working very efficiently in bombing the israelis and were called for by name by our infantry units.

Saddam sent n armoured division that stopped the israeli advance toards Demascus and counter attacked, despite of the israeli superiorty in the air.

in 1982 Iraq gave Egypt millions of dollars for old scrap soviet armamment. Egyptian experts worked with iraqis in their young chemical weapons industries. After the end of the war due to the plitical will and cash abundance in iraq , the military industries in iraq started to reach dangerous and alrming levels in very short periods . Th iraqis didnt forget the egyptians despite of having a better technical base (due to competent leadership) and and big funds. They didnt forget Egypt they included the Egyptians in A PROJECT CALLED CONDOR 2 WHICH THEY WERE IMPLEMENTING WITH aRGENTINA TO MANUFATURE A LONG RANFGE MISSILE UNDETECTED BY RADRS. The Americans pressures Egypt and froced her to pull out of the project. Besides, after having developed a highly sophisticated chemical and biological arsenal(with Egyptian help in the begining), they shared their knowledge with the Egyptians.

About palestinians Sadam gave millions of paletinian refugees iraqi passports, annual funds, free helath care and education. by the way,the iranians are killing the palestinian in iraq at the moment.

in 1988 according to the U.N development report the rate of progress in iraq was tremendous they were expected to to reach the living standarsds of western europe in 15 years. the military industry was growing, middle class evolving and the quality of life improving. women and christians in iraq had the best ights in the Arab world. the health cre system was similar to scandnavia

iraq was expected to go Nuclear in 3 years. saddam threatened to burn down half of israel with chemicals if they dare to attack the iraqi nuclear isntallments, like what they did in 1981.

for the first time since the 5th of june 1967. the arabs wer having the upper hand in the middle east . an Egyptian syrian, iraqqi alliance was keeping israel terrified and marginalised.

The Arabs defeated and humilated iran in an 8 years brutal war that brought khomini down to his knees.

The arab moral was boosted. it was the first Arabic military victory since the Arabs stopped waring in the year 1000 A.D and the armis of the calicjh was made up of turkomanic mercanries , soon later the slejuke turks ( cousins of the mongols. the truks are originally tartars. invaded the bghdad turned the caliph into a puppet and used the title. sultan.

i was 6 or seven years during that iran iraq war i remeber howsaddam hussien was portrayed in the egyptian media as nice desent man who are fighting the horrible khomioni. my grand mother who took part in the 1919 revolution was asking allah to victorise iraq against the persians.

tomorrow i will use another argument

high_staff يقول...

ليبيا دى عسل وما بيجيش منها غير كل خير والباشا الصغير جاب من الاخر وقاللك ما عندناش بنية تحتية يعنى هايقعد زى اللى عندنا يعمل بنية تحتية الى ابد الابدين ولما يخلصها يبقى يشوف الديمقراطية......سلم لى على البنية .......التحتية الله يكرمك شكرا يا طارق

Zeinobia يقول...

A friend of the family is a professor who went to Lybia in an official mission
when he came back he told us in the week he stayed there he found out the Lybian TV for 48 hours was showing one shoe
they guy swears , when he asked , they whispered in his ears saying there was an attempt to rebel against Gadfi and he discovered it and his answer with this
The man swears that this happened !!

Unknown يقول...

@Amr, I am really confused now, we started the debate here, then you decided to reply there, than after that you continued there.
Are you playing some kind of "Hide and Seek" game here or what!?

Unknown يقول...

@High_Staff, you are right, you know what, I believe that if El Gaddafi and Waleed Goumblat decided to become actors here in Egypt, they will make much funnier movies than those of Henedy and Mohamed Saad.

@Zeinobia, So the shoe is a symbol of the punishment the rebellers will face, or is it a symbol for EL Gaddafi himself!?

Zeinobia يقول...

it goes both ways

غير معرف يقول...

Dear Tarek

i find a moral duty to spread symoathy for the iraq case among fellow egyptians. both you and zenobia are very talened writrs and bloggers. what i want is to convince you of what i think is just. and spread as far as possible.



Akram يقول...

بصراحة ما بحب اتكلم في هك مواضيع ولكن لي تعقيب وهو كل ما قاله سيف الأسلام .. خرج الوالد بعد أيام في لقاء مع لجان التخطيط واعلن بطريقة غير مباشرة على أنه كلام ابنه لعب عيال يعني .؟ بس نحن في ليبيا الحمد لله عايشين .
في ليبيا : يقولوا جاك عمك والبلح ..وبعدين قالوا جاك عمك والنفط .. بس نحن لا نريد عم نريد نفط

غير معرف يقول...

i agree with your point BUT you forgot to mention your country EGYPT where your president's son is getting ready to take over.
so its not only Syria and Libya but EGYPT as well or are you scared to say it!

فروشگاه اینترنتی يقول...

Keep up the good work And it goes both ways
فروشگاه اينترنتي